
Updates On 18th Dec 2012



Justice was served in the West African rainforest recently when 14 African Grey Parrots were confiscated from the grip of a smuggler headed for Nigeria. The birds’ capture from the rainforest canopy symbolizes the brutality of the exotic bird trade here, yet their recovery sends perhaps a more profound message about the priceless contributions of wildlife rehabilitators who seize every opportunity to help.

In order to trap the parrots in Cameroon’s Korup National Park, the smuggler smeared glue on branches high in the canopy and placed a “bait” parrot on one branch to attract other birds. After trapping several parrots in the glue, the smuggler used his machete to cut all of the parrots’ primary feather (or flight feathers) to prevent them from flying away.

The first day they arrived they were very quiet, but now they fill our quarantine area with song,” Ainare said hopefully. “The parrots are in the quarantine cages so that way we can keep a close eye on them as they begin to heal. Once the primary feathers begin to grow again and the parrots can land softly on the ground, we will move them to our flight cage. Finally, when the parrots are capable of flying the long distances necessary for migration, they will be released.”

Enjoy more photos from the Limbe Wildlife Centre here.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=502738956416088&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1



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