Updates On 12th Nov 2012
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“One morning before class, I was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee at the main campus center. I heard some squeaking noises coming from a nearby corner, and noticed a tiny mouse stuck in a glue trap. The mouse was clearly struggling and frightened, and I couldn’t let it suffer or die in the trap. I had never handled a trap (or a mouse) before, but I knew if I alterted anyone on campus, they’d just bring in a trash bag and ‘dispose’ of the mouse.
I immediately grabbed the trap, took it as far from the building as possible, and crouched in a grassy area. I opened the trap and stroked the baby mouse to calm him down, and slowly pulled him back from the glue so as not to cause even more damage or trauma. When he was finally off, I set him in the grass, and he stood on all fours, looked around for a minute, and began to crawl away. I felt overjoyed and deeply saddened at the same time. How can we view any creature as trash?
As a vegan, I feel it is critical to respect all life, no matter how small, and I intend on contacting campus representatives about their use of cruel glue traps.”
- Marissa D’Aleo of Massachusetts, USA
If you have an animal rescue story to share, please visit The Great Animal Rescue Chase here http://www.animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/rescue_showcase.php
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=488376647852319&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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