Updates On 22nd Oct 2012
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“I decided to bring my bike to work, and after work I whizzed along the busy street with traffic flying along on one side and a 10 foot wall on the other. A few little shrubs blocked the sidewalk from the roar of the commuting cars. I was day dreaming and cycling when my subconscious slowed me down. What WAS that I had just passed? Trash? discarded clothing? I stopped and went back.
There, crouched next to a small bush was a large fluffy cat. Every time the traffic slowed, she relaxed slightly. Every time the light changed and cars rumbled by she shook. She barely looked at me, keeping a steady on the cars not 4 feet away. A small empty dish was beside her. As if someone had walked by for several days, and through to bring her food. How long had she been there? Sitting on the curb, alone.
I was afraid if I tried to grab her, she would dart under the wheels of a passing car. She would not make eye contact, and I thought she could be injured, and lash out. Plus, I was on my bike. “Wait here”, I said. I biked back to the college and grabbed my car, thinking the whole time I would come back to a scrambled stain in the street. But, there she was. Sitting as before, frozen against the onrushing stream of traffic. I pulled over, threw a towel over her, and tossed her into the car.”
Sandy Zetlan of Arizona brought the cat home with her and now queen kitty is in love with her new ‘castle’. See before and after photos on our website http://www.animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/story.php?id=983
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=480473121976005&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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