Updates On 18th Oct 2012
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He was first spotted hobbling down the road in the dead of winter, in the dead of night. It was obvious he was all alone in this world, with no home, no food, no love, and probably not much of a chance of surviving much longer out in the bitter cold.
The compassionate young lady who first saw him on that dark icy road stopped her car and tried to coax him into it, and out of the extremely frigid weather. But his distrust of human beings was immense, and he soon turned away from her and hobbled off into the night.
Several days later, he was once again spotted in a huge truck yard, forlornly pacing back and forth among the dozens of trucks parked in it. The staff in the truck yard office soon took pity on this homeless canine, and they soon began putting out food and water out for him. They also phoned some animal rescuers in the area relaying his plight.
I soon got a phone call myself, and several of us met at the truck yard on a very frigid January morning. We were determined to help him, and it wasnt very long before we spotted this truly unfortunate throw-a-way. He was emaciated, he was starving, he was freezing, and he was deathly afraid of all of us.
We soon spread out and followed him all around the truck yard in the hopes of corralling him and whisking him off to warmth and safety…. ”
Read the rest of “Trucker’s Tale” as told by Great Animal Rescue Chase participant Ed Kostro and see the beautiful photo of his long awaited rescue. http://animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/story.php?id=324 Tissue box required! This is just incredible!!
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478953625461288&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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