Updates On 18th Oct 2012
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Kelly Brauer of Florida writes:
“There was a little ball of bloody matted fur that I rescued that had been used as a bait dog. She had puncture wounds all over her body, her tail had been bitten in half and her underbelly had been filleted open. All she could muster was some raspy moans and whines. I knew she would not make it if I didn’t act fast. I wrapped her in a warm blanket and quickly made it to the nearest animal emergency room where it was believed that she wouldn’t make it through the night and if she did it was going to be touch-and-go for awhile. Well 8 months of fostering, late night prayers/scares and many surgeries later she survived and so I adopted that little ball of fur.
It turns out she was a 6 week old Shihpoo (Shih Tzu/Poodle Mix) when I rescued her that night and 1 of the sweetest souls I had ever met. I named her CoCo Chanel and she became soooooo spoiled and yet filled with such anxiety.
I had her with me for almost 2 years when I had begun to not feel well. I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer and it had spread into my lymph nodes. When I had to go for chemotherapy she would have to stay home and panic/whine until I got back home so I went about getting her certified as a therapy dog so I could bring her along during treatments. She was a natural at it and the love and joy she and the patients received as she was being petted during my treatments was incredible. She brought comfort and smiles to sooooo many faces and was even comforting a lonely/scared old lady when the lady closed her eyes and passed away. She just laid there in the lady’s arms and licked her hand as if to say “It’s o.k…I’m right here with you”!
When I am home after treatments and lying on the bathroom floor, getting sick, she comes and lays with me and licks my hand too just letting me know she’s there for me. She has even eaten/torn through the door to get to me when she hears me getting sick just so she can be there with me. I actually believe that she has given me the extra strength to go on when I have felt like giving up!
We have now been together for 6 years (3 of those years full of surgeries and treatments for either me or her) and through it all she has been my constant companion, comfort, and strength. When everyone thought that I should put her to sleep that first night, I believed she was meant for something greater…and years later she has rescued me during some of the darkest times in my life.” SEE MORE PHOTOS HERE http://www.animalrescuechase.com/rescue_showcase/story.php?id=929
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=478746948815289&set=a.135131043176883.16781.109342202422434&type=1&relevant_count=1
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