
CHIMO Si Kucing Sporo (Harni Jaafar)


Email yang kami terima dari Harni Jaafar : 

Rabu, 8 Ogos 2012 – 8.53pm


this is my baby. he is about 5-6 months old. his name is chimo. he has been infected with sporo since may this year. i’ve tried to cure him and have taken him to the vet (the vet animal clinic in segambut) since he was first infected.

though the medicine is very costly for me but i tried my best to help him recover. but the thing is, i have 4 other cats and i cant no longer buy chimo the medicine he needs most. i cant afford the medicine which cost rm7 per tablet that need to be taken once daily. i’ve spent almost rm600+ just for his medicine. and i know this might sound selfish but i’m about to get married this mid september which make it even harder for me to buy chimo’s medicine. i live with my dad and i’m the only source of income for both of us.  i’ve tried, i’ve tried very hard to help him recover but i just could afford it anymore.

the only thing i can do now is to provide him with all my love and care and a little home for him. i would not give up on him as i know he has been strong since then. so, here i am. this is the only way i know to help chimo. i’m asking for your help on behalf of chimo. chimo would be very helpful if you could help him to support his treatment costs. or if there is anything that you can help chimo, i’m sure he would be so happy.

i’ve lost one of my baby last two months because of sporo too. and i’m not going to lose another one. i want to see him running and be happy again. that is all i’m asking for.

and this is him with his favourite toy before he was infected with sporo. i want him to be happy again. please, help us.

thank you,

Gambar CHIMO yang dikirimkan bersama email ini sangat menyedihkan kami. 
Polisi kami menetapkan hanya kucing jalanan yang layak menerima subsidi kami. Namun melihatkan keadaan CHIMO, kami ingin cuba membantu dalam bentuk lain dengan bantuan yang kami termampu.  

Namun sehingga hari ini, Harni masih belum membalas email dari kami. 

Harni, if u read this, please reply our email asap. 

Source: http://kucingterbiaranjingjalanan.blogspot.com/2012/08/chimo-si-kucing-sporo-harni-jaafar.html




SCRATCH's main mission is to rescue stray, abandoned, and abused cats and to find as many of them as possible new homes with loving owners once they have been treated/nursed back to health and spayed/neutered (aka speutered).

We realize that we cannot always be successful in finding homes for all of the cats that need one, so an associated goal is to minimize the stray cat population by capturing, speutering, releasing and managing those that we cannot find homes for.

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