Updates On 1st Mar 2012
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From the SPCA PENANG Animal Shelter
To YOU we are just dogs and cats,
To US You are the bridge
Between what was and what could be
Our hope to a new life.
There used to be a television show called The Odd Couple. Dont think about that one, instead think about dogs. The odd couple refers to us, Bray and Boo.
Bray, thats me, top of photo and at the bottom of the photo thats Boohe aint heavy, hes my brother.
We have been BFF (best friends forever, err perhaps that should be PFF, paw friends forever) for as long as we can remember. We were together with some people who cared for us when we were small. Then when we grew up Boo and myself being male dogs, had to fight over the spunky female dog living in the same house as ours. So who won you ask? None of us.
Instead both of us were booted out of the house onto the streets. Thats it. No second chance for us at that time. The people who supposedly cared for us did not even think of neutering us. Just booted Boo and myself out. Dont you think that was most unfair? After all , we only did what was natural for us male dogs to dofight with each other to establish dominance or to win the females attention.
We were brought to the SPCA Animal Shelter and we have been here for the past 4 months. Boo is 4 years old and I am 5 years.
At the Shelter the people who look after us just knew that we could not be separated. Boo and I have a really strong connection between us, hes my dog-mate. I always look out for him, the dear chap.
We stay next door to each other in the kennels. We come out to play together. Thats the best part of the day for us.
Folks I am putting out an appeal to all of you. I dont want to talk about this with Boo yetit will break his heart. Please help us. Can someone please adopt the two us and keep us together?
We just cannot imagine life without the other being around. It just wont be worth it.
I know you know what I am talking about. You have feelings too, right?
Please somebody do this for us. You will have my dogs code of
honour that I will look after you and yours together with Boo for the rest of my life.
I pray, I wait and I hope for both Boo and myself.
Your PFFs
Boo and Bray.Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150828083384972&set=a.140205684971.140013.69082364971&type=1
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