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   « Back To Listing Arjun
Arjun - Mixed Breed Dog
In Heaven
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 10 Years
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBrown, Golden, Yellow
LocationPetaling Jaya, Selangor
Posted19 Dec 2008 (Updated 15 Mar 2023)
Please visit www.HelpArjun.com & please ask your friends living in PJ to view this blog also.

We are still looking for Arjun and we really need your help to locate him! Any useful information that reunites us with Arjun will be rewarded.

UPDATE (Fri, Feb 19, 2009): Arjun has been seen by residents in SS24, SS25 TAMAN MEGAH PJ & SS26 TAMAN MAYANG PJ between JANUARY 13 - FEBRUARY 5, 2009 & he has walked into people's homes looking for help but he was chased away every time unfortunately (when people saw Arjun's blue collar, dog license & ID tag, they assumed the dog lived nearby).

How did Arjun go missing?

- Our 2 dogs Arjun & Creamie ran out of the house (during a thunderstorm) in SS1 Petaling Jaya (nearby SRK Kampung Tunku Primary School, 7-Eleven & Post Office) on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @ 2pm

- We found Creamie 1 month later (January 2009) in Damansara Jaya (about 4km away from home!)

- But we're still looking for Arjun who has been seen around Taman Megah, Taman Mayang & SS2 (near the Taman Bahagia LRT station) and he maybe wandering into surrounding areas looking for food and trying to find his way back home; he may have travelled >8km away.


- male, 10 years old, tan/brown colour, medium-size (20 kg) local breed

- very friendly, loving, well-mannered & obedient family dog (does not bite)

- may still be wearing a blue collar with red MBPJ 2008 license & silver identification tag (with owner's address, phone numbers etc. engraved).

Our Efforts:

- spending 4+ hours every day (before & after work) searching these neighbourhoods & distributing missing dog notices (house to house, to passers by, pasting @ pet stores, animal clinics, bus stops, LRT stations etc.).

- visiting PAWS/SPCA/DBKL/MPSJ dog pounds weekly & meeting all the dog catchers to give them photos of our missing dog Arjun.

- a blog with videos, photos, info of the search in progress, and posting/updating missing dog notices online @ local pet forums.

Please spread the word around to your family & friends that if ever an animal (or person) walks up to their doorstep in need of help, please do not turn them away. How often does a dog arrive at your doorstep looking for help? Once in a lifetime maybe (if ever)? So, please be kind and compassionate to all animals (and people) in need of help because every good deed makes this world a better place.
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Creamie, Arjun (center) & Poppie
Creamie, Arjun (center) & Poppie

Arjun may be still wearing his blue collar, red MBPJ license & silver identification tag
Arjun may be still wearing his blue collar, red MBPJ license & silver identification tag

Arjun & Creamie
Arjun & Creamie

Arjun bathing
Arjun bathing

Arjun bathing
Arjun bathing


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In Heaven
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In Heaven

Share your comments here18 Comments
julietskling   Dec 22nd 2008 at 8:10AM
Hi, its sad knowing that your dogs are missing. Did your put up any lost postel/papers around your area ? once a friend lost his dog...he made a lot of copy of his dog pic wif his contact num on it and put into ppls's post box...his dog was return to him. I belive someone have taken them in but do not know to whim shld they return to....
Ramin   Dec 23rd 2008 at 12:51AM
hi sookam, I've made hundreds of flyers and I've been distributing them in my area & posting them up @ local vets/animal clinics, pet stores, bus stops, 2 local MPPJ Dewan Serbaguna, on trees etc. & my dog Arjun is wearing a collar with his MPPJ license tag & another ID tag with our home address/phone numbers/e-mail contact info.

It's unusual that both my dogs disappeared so I'm guessing that someone is sheltering and/or feeding them. Hopefully, the good Samaritan will eventually find the flyers I've distributed etc. or eventually check online in the various local dog/pet forums that we've posted on and contact us soon.

Do you think you can pass your friend's contact to me? Because I'm wondering how far away his dog travelled and for how long it was lost. That info could really help me in my search. Thanks!
jamie76   Jan 1st 2009 at 12:57PM
Hi Ramin,

My Sunshine was lost for 2 months, and we still managed to find her after such time lapse. We went looking for her every single day believing she would be smart enough to hang around shop areas where she could get food easily. I strongly believe your dog wants to come home and personally, i will not give up searching for my dogs until i see their dead body somewhere somehow. Why not try to print flyers and put into all the post box of houses within the vicinity of your area (like hypermarket flyers). If not able to cover the area yourself, pay some worker to do it for you. The sooner you try, the higher chances of him being found. Some people may have sheltered him and did not noticed your posts may have just put him up for adoption to another family living even further away. Act now.
Ramin   Jan 14th 2009 at 1:58PM
Thanks for the interest Jamie.

We have not given up searching for our dog Arjun - we spend hours every day before & after work, searching and giving out flyers to people, businesses & homes around PJ.

At this stage, we need as much assistance from good people like yourself to look out for Arjun and also provide food (& if necessary medical care, shelter) to animals which may have strayed. Many people do not help dogs wearing a license because people assume that the dog lives nearby.

Our dog Arjun has been away from home (SS1 PJ) for more than a month and Arjun is wearing his collar, MBPJ license tag and an identification tag with our contact information etc. He is friendly & playful with children and does not bite - so, he is very approachable.

If anyone has seen a missing dog, do not try to chase the dog but rather contact the owner immediately and monitor the dog's location from far because we don't want dogs to panic, run away & hide.

We found one of our missing dogs, Creamie, after a month - she had crossed over the LDP highway and trotted >5km away from SS1 to SS22 Damansara Jaya (near KDU) in 2-3 days!

To all who have called to provide leads & information regarding the whereabouts of our dogs - we would like to thank you all very, very much. We are sincerely grateful and we are responding to every single one of your calls. And there is a definite reward for information leading to his return.

If you see a dog matching Arjun's description... please don't hesitate to contact us at any time (even 3am or 4am is fine). :) Photos, Info & Updates @ http://arjuncreamie.blogspot.com/ and Thank you friends for your kind assistance.
jamie76   Feb 20th 2009 at 1:31PM
Read your blogs and email updates. It seems that there are a lot of sightings of Arjun. From all the sightings, are you able to make out a pattern of his time of the day when he makes an appearance to people? Or could you make out the direction that he is now heading to?
FerretSoldier   Feb 23rd 2009 at 5:17PM
Dear Ramin

If there is any dog here that i really wish to be reunited is your Arjun.. I pray for you to have him back and i've been on the lookout (i'm nearby).. I remember his whitish snout and I really wish you would meet him again. Be strong and dont lose faith.

crazykat   Feb 24th 2009 at 1:35PM
Hi Ramin,
Have your no. in my h/p just in case i come across Arjun. I live in the same area. Hope you'll find Arjun soon.
kermitz81   Feb 25th 2009 at 2:47AM
Hi..So sad to read this.Now,everywhere I go I'll always look around and see for Arjun especially if in PJ area. Good effort done.At least you have tried your best and Im very sure deep down Arjun knows that.
jamie76   Feb 26th 2009 at 12:36PM
Hi Ramin,

Any updates and recent sightings of Arjun?
Ramin   Feb 26th 2009 at 4:31PM
Dear YokeMei, Chelly, Emma & Ezwin,

Thank you very much for the kind wishes and we're truly grateful that you're all helping us look out for Arjun around PJ.

We created a Facebook Page for our Missing Dog (Arjun) @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Missing-Dog-Arjun/ - please become a Fan of Missing Dog (Arjun) on Facebook and encourage your friends to do the same - our chances of finding Arjun improves as more PJ residents become aware that Arjun is lost and wandering around (trying to find his way back home).

We post updates to http://www.HelpArjun.com/ whenever time permits (as we're working full-time while conducting our search for Arjun). For the latest updates/sightings & areas around PJ where we're focussing on etc., please call (Ramin) or (Chan).

Also, we are very fortunate that Sin Chew Daily contacted us earlier this week and published a story about our missing dog Arjun for Klang Valley readers today:
你看見“Arjun”嗎?‧狗主尋遍靈市沒下落 (雪隆 2009-02-26 11:38) @ http://mykampung.sinchew.com.my/node/?tid=6

Thanks for caring!
ManekiNeko   Feb 26th 2009 at 6:02PM
Ramin, I am in awe of the great lengths you and your family have gone to in your efforts to find Arjun! I can't imagine that such great effort will go unpaid, and whatever happens, you will surely never lie awake wondering if you tried hard enough. I look forward to hearing great news from you soon.
jeevitha   Mar 4th 2009 at 5:47PM
I am sure u will find arjun really soon!!
julietskling   Mar 14th 2009 at 10:47PM
have you tried searching in Furry Friends Farm? maybe arjun might be there..

hope that you and arjun will be together again..
chino   May 12th 2009 at 12:05AM
hi Ramin...any news frm Arjun???5 mnts ready..very sad to know your d0ggy missing like that.do you try the place that u f0und creamie??mayb you can try bringing creamie to f0llow you when u searching Arjun???i 0nly suggEsting if you d0nt mind !!bc0z creamie can rec0gnize Arjun smell..Godbless
Any luck???did you try my suggesti0n??when i was young i heard my grandm0m told me..m0stly d0g realy afraid thunder..and if the thunder sCare them..can find them where they b0rn or the place bef0re you bring him h0me ..Dats y 0ld ppls when they bring the puppy h0mes they c0ver the eyes..n0rmally its happen 0n m0ngrel .mayb the previous plc you stay???G0dbless nd pls ign0re me if u think i talk rubbish!!S0rry..g0dbless
cellofen   Aug 25th 2009 at 10:40PM
I believe you love your dogs very much as I have heard sop much about Arjun and Creamie everywhere around the society. I believe one day God will help you. Pray hard and one day you will meet your dogs back! Cheers!!
ChewChew1987   Nov 17th 2009 at 11:45PM
there are always a pack of dogs wondering at the taxi stand near Taman Sea (near the playground/opposite row of store)...Maybe Arjun join in the pack?
yensmiles   Jan 29th 2010 at 11:53AM
Ramin, I had a friend who lost her dog and it was lost for 6-7months (and they had nearly given hope), when it was found in the same neighbourhood (diff parts of DU). No idea what happened to it and where it had travelled during that time, cos they went searching that whole neighbourhood many times. So there's still hope of finding Arjun!

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