Ginger is the offspring of the champion breed Harlequine. She needs to find a new home as her owner has to move overseas for a job posting. Ginger is friendly and warm once she bonds with you. Fantastic with kids and a faithful buddy. Her favorite snack is bread. No fuss needed, she needs only weekly bathing and tender loving care. her owner is willing to sponsor her food if she finds a good home. Please call if interested. Adopted July 24 by Kristen
some speaches from the owner :ginger u have been a great dog for these 11 years ,dogs usually only live up to 10 or 15 years u lived 11.ginger u were my first conpanion for 11year once i was born u were aready here,after a few years we adopted shaggy ( went so well with shaggy ,u are the dog who makes the sun shine u are the dog who ligts up the star in the sky.u are my most precios thing in the whole univerce nothing will get beewteen u and me ginger,now that we are moving away,i dont think theres gonna be a chance to see each other again!please adopt ginger for old ,teenagers,youngsters,children,babbys,just adopt her couse i dont want her to suffer!thank you i cant type anymore couse i think i'm gonna cry.T.T!