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1 Pet, Rescuer

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NameR. Nurul Ain
JoinedFeb 2009
LocationSeri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia
ExperienceSmall & Furry (7 Years)
Cat (6 Years)
Dog (5 Years)
Interested InRescuing Pets
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I'm an system developer. I do part time rescuing motherless kittens, train them eg: litter,behavior,bonding. I also do research on cats. This is my cat & kitten blog: http://bubushelter.blogspot.com

I may have experience in dogs, but I'm not so confident in handling them. Still learning. I'm an animal lover so I don't discriminate any animal. I love them all.

For 24 years living in this planet earth, I had dogs, cats, hamsters, beetle, fish, squirrel, and tortoise as my pet. I also have experience in taking care of sugar glider, reptiles, rabbit and hermit.

I also do part-time home-pet boarding located at Cyberjaya, and sell some cat-related stuffs like food, treats, etc online. Profits are to maintain my lil cat shelter.You may visit my blogshop for more information: http://thiscatshop.blogspot.com

bubushelter's Pets
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Kido, 12 Yrs
For Adoption

Marley, 12 Yrs
For Adoption

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Share your comments here4 Comments
ilovepets   May 14th 2009 at 4:46PM
Dear Ain,

We'd like to share our experience with you about the adoption of Olsen.

Less than 2 weeks after we adopted Olsen from you, he had flu, fever & discharging eyes and nose, and he also had stopped eating and drinking. Not long after him, another cat of mine named Nikki got infected.

So we brought Olsen & Nikki to see the vet, the vet has confirmed that Olsen is a "Cat Flu" carrier which is the general name given to a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract in cats, which most commonly caused by the Feline Herpes Virus-1 (FHV-1), or Feline Calicivirus (FCV). Feline Herpes virus infects the membranes of the eyes, the lining of the nose, pharynx, sinuses, and throat.

While Nikki got infected with the same virus through Olsen and had flu, discharging eyes and poor apetite, but luckily no fever. So the vet gave each Olsen & Nikki an injection, prescribed medicine for 10 days and eye ointment which costs us RM200 for both cats.

We have 3 cats at home, they are Olsen, Nikki & Smokey. Although "Cat Flu" cannot be spread to humans but according to the vet when cats have recovered from Cat Flu they continue to shed the virus, because Cat Flu carrier he advised us to isolate the infected one from other cats. Because this virus spread very easily to other cats. We are no way to isolate Olsen from Nikki and Olsen, because we are all living under the same roof.

We love Olsen very much, but for the sake of the Nikki and Smokey, we have to make this difficult decision, that is to return Olsen back to you.

We do not think it is a good idea to advertise Olsen here for adoption, as it is not fair for the new owner and their existing cats.

Olsen still has flu and sneeze frequently, but he is feeling much better now and his apetite is back to normal, once Olsen has finished his prescribed medicine, we will let you know.
bubushelter   May 15th 2009 at 1:32PM
Hi Alice,

I'm sorry to hear about that. You can give him back to me anytime. Can you do me a favor, can you give the the name of the medicine that you give to Olsen, it's for my reference. Please inform me before you come, thank you.
Hi Alice,
How's Olsen doing? still taking his medications? Did the vet told you which pathogens (the agent which causes cat flu) that he had so I know what I'm dealing with. Moreover, I had friends who will take care of him for the time since he's a carrier, he can't stay with other cats. Do let me know when you wanna hand him back, thanx =)
eliastkng   Oct 27th 2011 at 4:16PM
good to have you here.

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